1,000+ Boy dog names
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In our list of 1,000+ boy dog names, we’ve got everything from TV and film inspired names such as Scooby, Shrek and Yogi to traditional names such ...
1,000+ Girl dog names
Learn about dogs
In our list of 1,000+ female dog names, we’ve got everything from the typical cute girl dog names like Angel to something a little more unique like...
How many teeth do dogs have?
Learn about dogs
Dogs use their mouths to explore the world, but have you ever wondered how many teeth dogs have, what they're all used for and what to expect with ...
Why do dogs chatter their teeth?
Learn about dogs
We chatter our teeth when we're feeling cold, but is it the same for our dogs? Read on to find out all the possible reasons why your dog might be c...
The ultimate list of dog friendly plants
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Most safe plants for dogs just means anything that is not considered toxic to dogs. But, some plants can still have thorns, spines, or seeds which ...
How to clean your dog's teeth
Learn about dogs
Dental care is key to protecting your dog's oral hygiene and preventing issues like gum disease. Read on to find out how to clean your dog's teeth ...
Should you add water to dry dog food?
Learn about dogs
Adding water to your dog’s food can provide a whole host of benefits, from making the food more appetising to actually improving how well your pup ...
Top 18 longest living dog breeds
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Some of the longest living dogs have been known to live upwards of 20, even 25 years. The smaller breeds of dogs tend to live the longest. Yorkshir...
Are daffodils poisonous to dogs?
Learn about dogs
Daffodils are a favourite flower in our gardens. But are there any hidden dangers lurking in our flowerbeds? Yes, daffodils are toxic to dogs, eat...