Created by our inhouse nutritionist, this high-quality turkey dog food is a deliciously healthy food for the more sensitive pooches.
Omega-3 is well-known for its anti-inflammatory properties, and it’ll also help keep your dog’s skin and coat looking and feeling great too.
We’ve carefully balanced healthy, delicious ingredients to give your dog all the nutrients they need to thrive long into the future.
We include natural chondroitin for your dog’s joints, prebiotic chicory root for good gut health and loads more vitamins and antioxidants to invest in your dog’s long term health so they can thrive.
Turkey (32%), Potato, Brown Rice, Peas (6%), Dried Stock, Carrot (5%), Linseed, Minerals, Apple (1%), Omega 3 (from algae 0.3%), Chicory Extract (0.1%), Glucosamine (0.05%), Chondroitin (0.05%), Beta Glucans (for immune support, 0.03%).
Protein | Fat | Crude Fibre | Ash | KCal Per 100g |
26% | 10% | 3% | 7.5% | 366 |