Our Authors

How It All Works
Written by Pure Pet FoodPure Pet Food are the experts in healthy dog food and healthy dogs featured in media outlets such as BBC, Good Housekeeping and The Telegraph. Working with high profile veterinary professionals and nutritionists, Pure Pet Food are changing dog food for the better. - Our editorial process

No matter how much or how little you already know about your pet’s health, wellbeing and nutrition, we want to empower you with everything you need to understand it completely, so that you can confidently give your pet the best care at home.

Here at Pure, we put your pets and their health first, which is why we provide accurate, research-backed information about anything and everything dog-related so you can feel fully informed on the world of dog nutrition.

If you’re ever reading any of our content, you’ll probably notice a little icon that states who wrote the article. We have several authors with an abundance of knowledge and experience behind them that help us to write our content, which ensures you get the best information out there. Once any articles are completed, they go on to be edited, reviewed and fact checked, making sure we’re providing accurate and honest content. You can read more about our editorial process here.

Whether you’re looking for guidance about your dog’s nutrition, health conditions or even their behaviour, we’ve got tonnes of resources to help give you the answers to your questions.


We make sure our content is not only accurate and informative, but varied and interesting too.

This is why we collaborate with authors who have extremely diverse experiences and knowledge in their respective fields. As a result, we can provide you with the widest scope of information about dog health and wellbeing.

Pure Pet Food

We’re the friendly faces here at Pure! We’ve got loads of expert knowledge to share with you about how to keep your dog happy and healthy. Our main goal is to deliver content about various complicated subjects in an uncomplicated manner, so you don’t need do any hard work to figure out any of that strange medical lingo later on.

Articles written by Pure are varied, we talk about topics regarding pet nutrition, health, behaviour and even more light-hearted topics such as fun things to do with your dog! We want you to read our content and feel like you’re talking to a friend, a friend who has a whole lot of knowledge about dogs.

Our content is accurate and approachable, portraying the experiences all dog owners share, the highs, the lows and everything in between.

Andrew Miller BVSc MRCVS2

Andy is an expert veterinary professional, working in the field for over 10 years now. During his time as a vet, he has seen the ways in which good nutrition has a huge impact on pet health, after all, we know it works that way for humans, so why wouldn’t it be the same for our dogs too?

Alongside working full time as a Clinic Director, Andy writes and fact checks a lot of the content we produce about pet health. With Andy’s help, we can ensure our content is always factual, objective and trustworthy.

Dr Lucy Williamson BVM&S DVM MSc

A qualified nutritionist and a former vet of 15 years, Lucy is an expert in keeping your dog happy and healthy. She champions feeding your dog a natural, nutritious diet to promote their long-term health.

If you’re looking for educated, trustworthy expertise on anything nutrition and health-related, Lucy will have the knowledge and advice you need. Lucy helps create lots of the video content you’ll see here at Pure, enriching it with her unique understanding of pet health.

Rosie Bescoby BSc (Hons), PG Dip CABC, CCAB

As a clinical animal behaviourist and the founder of Pet Sense, Rosie supports countless animal owners to overcome their pet’s behavioural issues.

She’s incredibly passionate about sharing her knowledge so the wellbeing and happiness of pets and their owners can be improved. Rosie creates content about pet behaviour for various veterinary journals, peer-reviewed publications and has appeared many times on the TV and radio.

For Pure, Rosie is the author of several articles, and she creates lots of video content for us too. The main goal of Rosie’s content is to help owners make sense of their pet’s behaviour so they can eventually have happier, better-behaved dogs.

Whatever issues, questions or interests you have about your dog’s health, nutrition and wellbeing, we can help you find whatever it is you need.